The technology world is growing so rapidly now. Electronic stuffs have been so hot and interesting. Cheap also on the other side.
Seen this website recently. Its the new site, but it is growing and becoming established rapidly. The goal of the site is not to list every bit of news from each day. Instead, the site focuses on the product releases and news items that are the most significant, useful, or particularly cool. The items are hand-picked as a "best of the best" resource for computer hardware, software, gadgets, and tech news. Therefore, instead of visitors having to wade through pages of minor updates and other news that is not of interest, the top products and news items are solely presented.
Besides, other useful gadgets include the universal remote control which sounds like the one we saw in the movie Click. Haha!
Other stuffs are the network media player and the online backup services for backing up the important informations in your computer.